
Showing posts from March, 2018

Implementation Of Oops Concepts

Core OOPS concepts are : Abstraction Encapsulation Polymorphism Inheritance Association Aggregation Composition Abstraction : Abstraction is the concept of hiding the internal details and describing things in simple terms. For example, a method that adds two integers. The method internal processing is hidden from outer world.  Encapsulation : Encapsulation is the technique used to implement abstraction in object oriented programming. Encapsulation is used for access restriction to a class members and methods. Access modifier keywords are used for encapsulation in object oriented programming. For example, encapsulation in java is achieved using  private ,  protected  and  public  keywords. Polymorphism : Polymorphism is the concept where an object behaves differently in different situations.  There are two types of polymorphism: Compile Time Run Time Compile time polymorphism is achieved by method overloadi...

Core Java Topics

what is Core Java ?          Core Java   is used for developing general   java   application .      Whereas  Core java  is having the concept of  Java  fundamentals, Applet,Swings,JDBC,JavaBeans. technology without this no one can jump on any  advance java  technology. Essentially you need to know Implementation of OOPs in Java Classes, interfaces Data Type Literals, operators Control statements Exceptions & it’s handling Collections Serialization Java IO(Since we are talking about core java)